Jan 9, 2008

What the hell has Ryder been up to?

He went to see the Christmas Train in Rialto with Great Grandma Joyce and the rest of SSR (South Side Rialto).

He's been playing with his giant train table that I stayed up building until after midnight on Christmas Eve.

He soldiered on through the flu to participate in his school Christmas Program. The rest of the kids were green with envy over Ryder's argyle sweater.

He and Sala have been doing some pretty serious bonding.

And while I was out pedaling my bike, Ryder learned how to pedal his. Now, that's about all he wants to do. Sounds vaguely familiar.


Anonymous said...

Nice picture of rider in the maillot jaune. Was that the Tour of Mentone or the Giro de Yuciapa.

mattfreemanrace@yahoo.com said...

It's from his win at the Forrest Falls One Day Classic. He got in a three-man break with a couple of crack babies and attacked with 2K to go.